School Meals

Our meals are cooked on site using fresh ingredients. We offer a choice of Hot School Meal (including a Jacket Potato option), School Packed Lunch or pupils can bring in their own packed lunch.  Our catering provider is Norse Catering if you would like further information including nutritional information for all the dishes on the menu, alongside a medical form for special diets, please follow this link to their wesbite.

Children in Reception to Year 2 receive free meals as part of the Universal Free School Meals scheme.

If you think you may be eligible for Free School Meals, please click this link to apply.

For all other children, the cost of school dinners is £2.55 per meal which must be paid for in advance at the start of each week. You can of course pay for a month or longer, in advance.

We operate a cashless office so payments should be made online at

Please contact the School Office for your log in details and further information.

Some families are entitled to free school meals for their children. You can check your entitlement to free meals here.

Lunch Menu from September 2024


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